jane porter, textile artist
images of work
Hands that Stitch
I'm taking my time each night to stitch on fabric with gorgeous silks from England and wool from New Zealand Each stitch is a word, a thought, a feeling, a sense of completion. It is funny how such a little thing can bring joy and satisfaction. My color palette has evolved to hues that are soft and clear. They appear simple but are made from many mixes as I stand by the dye pots, adding this and that to get the color I want.
Mostly I stitch and dye from my mind, I really don't have a plan but just know I want some kind of color and start out by mixing and embroidering. I love to layer color and stitch and see what happens--how does it change what is underneath? It is my way of painting, with a needle and thread, or dyes on silk.
So the experimentation continues because that is what has always interested me. I don't like to stand still, I get bored easily. There is always a new permutation on a classic that I want to try.
My new website is www.jporterfashion.com
and on my flicker page:
Facebook Page for the latest in fashion and textile trends:
Favorite Materials:
silk, cotton, linen, wool, pigments, natural dyes
I'm taking my time each night to stitch on fabric with gorgeous silks from England and wool from New Zealand Each stitch is a word, a thought, a feeling, a sense of completion. It is funny how such a little thing can bring joy and satisfaction. My color palette has evolved to hues that are soft and clear. They appear simple but are made from many mixes as I stand by the dye pots, adding this and that to get the color I want.
Mostly I stitch and dye from my mind, I really don't have a plan but just know I want some kind of color and start out by mixing and embroidering. I love to layer color and stitch and see what happens--how does it change what is underneath? It is my way of painting, with a needle and thread, or dyes on silk.
So the experimentation continues because that is what has always interested me. I don't like to stand still, I get bored easily. There is always a new permutation on a classic that I want to try.
My new website is www.jporterfashion.com
and on my flicker page:
Facebook Page for the latest in fashion and textile trends:
Favorite Materials:
silk, cotton, linen, wool, pigments, natural dyes
© 2017 Heron Studios